Order-Specific Message Thread
under review
Sabina Fischer
Hey voters! Now things have settled down much more with the new site, how are peopleorder-specific feeling about order specific messages on the site? Do you still want this, or are the emails working fine now?
We've found using one email chain is much better than attempting to use the chat interface, though chat can work well for quick questions when you have them (status updates etc).
Andrew Kozak
Sabina Fischer: Good morning,
I prefer email, as it enables me to to organize the correspondence using my email management methods, rather than keeping a browser tab open.
Joseph Arcila
Merged in a post:
Show order messages on order page
Chloe Pendley
Received an email on being outbid on an auction but that message doesn't show up on the order page, making it confusing to have communication/info in two totally separate spots. The previous way of the message being on email and on order page worked well, bring that back.
Joseph Arcila
under review
+1 for order specific message thread like previously on White Rabbit. Getting multiple messages from different staff members for the same order is confusing and inefficient. Having one thread for the order minimizes miscommunication with buyer.